RMS Online Services Website Repair & Maintenance

Website Repair & Maintenance

Website repair & security

Unfortunately, popularity and ease of use make WordPress websites more popular targets for hackers looking to create havoc … but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Website Hacked or Offline?

We are experts in WordPress website repair due to hacks and malware. With over 15 years of experience in WordPress security, Systems Administration and website development, we have seen it all and have the tools and knowledge to fix your hacked site and keep it safe from hackers and others wishing to do you harm.

is your website "broken" ?

Although Wordpreess sites are relatively easy to create, requiring little knowledge of “coding”, they do require some back-end maintenance to operate at their peak eficiency.

 We are also experts in WordPress website repair. With over 15 years of experience in website Systems Administration and website development, we have seen it all and have the tools and knowledge to keep your site updated and free from surprises that can be both embarrassing and cost you loss of business and reputation.

Call us for a quote today. (705) 927-6461

Website Maintenance

HTML Websites

Although HTML coded websites were in use in the early days of the internet, they have become largely outdated and for the most part, are no longer in use due to the relatively high labour costs involved in creating and updating them. They still do exist, however, and are still useful for basic websites that do not need regular updating.

Due to their relative simplicity and lessened popularity, they are less likely to be the target of hackers. 

wordpresss websites

WordPress is a very popular Content Management System (CMS) that has been around since 2003 and has grown in popularity every year since its’ inception. Although there are many other content management systems for website building, (Drupal, Joomla, Perch) it’s estimated that over 1/3 of websites on the internet today are running some version of WordPress.


 (705) 927-6461